Options Binding Menu

The Options Binding Menu provides a user interface template for adjusting various settings in a game, including key bindings, music volume, SFX volume, full-screen mode, and screen resolution. All settings are saved in PlayerPrefs and will persist. The UI should be customized to your preference. For an example, please check the tidbit scene OptionsBindingMenu


Make sure the Input System is updated to at least version 1.4.1 (Package Manager).

For key bindings, the system utilizes two scripts. To rebind keys for the new Input System, use RebindNewInput created by Unity. To rebind keys for the old input system, use RebindInputButtonSO.


Since the old inputs are being stored in scriptable objects, any key changes you make during runtime will not reset on PlayMode exit.

Options Binding Menu

This component holds the UI references and configures their events. Additionally, you will need to set the references for the Audio Manager and Input Action (if modifying keys in the new input system). You can place this component on the parent canvas object.

Rebind Keys

Use the provided Rebind objects in the example scene as templates. It is possible to represent the binding key as a label or an icon. If implementing Icons, populate the SetInputIcons with sprites for both the old and new inputs. These components can be found in the parent canvas. Finally, each RebindKey should have an image element as a child to represent the Icon.

When the RebindKey is pressed, the system will wait for any input to be pressed and use that as the new key. As of now, the only way to cancel a rebind is by pressing the Esc key.

RebindNewInput is a script created by Unity. In this script, you will specify the Action, which represents the New Input you wish to modify. This script holds references to UI elements. RebindInputButtonSO will modify old inputs.


Input Button SO

Reference to the old input you wish to modify

Reset Key To

When the Reset All button is pressed, it will reset the input to the specified keys.

Key Label

The UI reference to the key label.

Binding Label

The UI reference to the binding label. This will display the assigned key or mouse value.

Override Key Label

If enabled, the system will not automatically update the Key Label.

Rebind Events

The events invoked when the binding process starts and stops.