Lets Wiggle

This is a tweening library that is configured in the inspector or in code. The Wiggle component, which is different from the LetsWiggle component, must be included in the scene for proper function. The World Manager component will automatically include it for you.

LetsWiggle allows you to create a series of tweens in the inspector. These tweens are chained and execute in series or in parallel. Each tween belongs to one of three categories: Move, Scale, or Rotate. Thus, each tween has a specific job to execute, like moving or scaling a Transform. For example, Move2D will move a Transform (or Rect Transform) in 2D space.

Some tweens include the word To and some don’t. This means, for example, MoveX will simply move in the x direction, while MoveToX will move to a specific position in the x direction.

Most tweens will have a corresponding tween function. This is where the magic happens. A tween function tells the tween how to move. Create as many tweens as necessary to accomplish the desired effect.

List Of Tweens:

  • Move2D

  • Move3D

  • MoveX

  • MoveY

  • MoveZ

  • MoveTo2D

  • MoveTo3D

  • MoveToX

  • MoveToY

  • MoveToZ

  • ScaleTo2D

  • ScaleTo3D

  • ScaleToX

  • ScaleToY

  • ScaleToZ

  • RotateTo

  • RotateX

  • RotateY

  • RotateZ

  • RotateAroundX

  • RotateAroundY

  • RotateAroundZ

List of Tween Functions:

  • EaseIn

  • EaseOut

  • EaseInOut

  • EaseInBack

  • EaseOutBack

  • EaseInOutBack

  • EaseInBounce

  • EaseOutBounce

  • EaseInOutBounce

  • EaseInCubic

  • EaseOutCubic

  • EaseInOutCubic

  • EaseInElastic

  • EaseOutElastic

  • EaseInOutElastic

  • EaseInExpo

  • EaseOutExpo

  • EaseInOutExpo

  • EaseInSine

  • EaseOutSine

  • EaseInOutSine

  • Spike

  • Gravity

  • GravityBounce

  • GravitySingleBounce

  • OnOff

  • Linear




Name the wiggle.


The gameobject that will be tweened. Set the reference here. The system will determine if the gameobject belongs to a Transform or Rect Transform.

Loop All

Once all the tweens have executed, loop all of them by the specified amount.

Unscaled Time

If enabled, the system will use unscaledDeltaTime instead of deltaTime.

Use Anchors

If the gameobject is a Rect Transform, choose to move its position by anchoredPosition or position.

Start Position

If enabled, reset the Transform to this position before executing the first tween.

Start Rotation

If enabled, reset the Transform to this rotation before executing the first tween.

Start Scale

If enabled, reset the Transform to this scale before executing the first tween.

Start On Awake

If enabled, tweening execution will begin on Awake.

Start On Enable

If enabled, tweening execution will begin OnEnable.

Off On Complete

If enabled, the gameobject will deactivate once the tweening is complete.



Start the tweening execution.

PauseWiggle(bool value)

Pause or unpause the tweening.

Wiggle Bar

Open the bar and start adding tweens. Each tween will have at least a couple of fields to set, and all of them will share the properties below.



The wait time before the tween starts.


The number of times this specific tween will loop.


If enabled, this tween will execute in parallel with adjacent tweens that also have Parallel enabled. If not enabled, the tween will execute in series.

On Complete

The Unity Even invoked when the tween is complete.


The Wiggle library is also accessible through static methods using the TwoBitMachines namespace. Below is an example of how to use the tweening library. It’s just a very long line of C# code. To get started, implement the Wiggle.Target static method to start chaining tweens.


To deactivate the gameobject on tweening completion call the Deactivate method.

Wiggle.Target (this.gameObject, useAnchors: false).
StartPosition (Vector3.zero).
Move2D (Vector2.up, 2f, Tween.Linear).Loop (2).
ScaleToX (0.5f, 2f, Tween.EaseIn).IsParallel ( ). // Scale x to 0.5f in 2 seconds
ScaleToY (0.5f, 2f, Tween.EaseOut).IsParallel ( ).
ScaleToX (1f, 1f, Tween.EaseInBounce).
ScaleToY (1f, 1f, Tween.EaseInBounce).
LoopAll (2);                                      // Can also call Deactivate() here


The methods below will only work on tweens created in code.


IsTweenActive (GameObject gameobject)

Returns true if this gameobject has an active tween.

PauseTween (GameObject gameobject)

Pause tweening on this gameobject.

UnpauseTween (GameObject gameobject)

Resume tweening on this gameobject.

StopTween (GameObject gameobject)

Stop tweening on this gameobject.

PauseAllTweens ()

This will pause all active tweens.

StopAllTweens ()

This will stop all active tweens.