Reaction Profile

This allows you to group related game effects and reactions into one place, so they can serve as a reaction profile for any AI or object that calls it. This will reduce the amount of work and connections you have to make.

Simply create an empty gameobject and add this component. You will then have the option to add reactions from a list. During runtime, call the Activate (ImpactPacket impact) on this component from a capable Unity Event, and it will execute all the reactions.

Each reaction type inherits from ReactionBehaviour and implements the method Activate (ImpactPacket impact), so they can be easy to create if necessary. If you do create one, simply put it in Scripts/Reactions/Reactions folder, and it will become available to add in a ReactionProfile.

These are current reactions that can be implemented:


This plays a sound. An Audio Manager is expected to exist somewhere in the scene.

Camera Shake

This calls Safire 2D camera to implement a shake. In Safire, the Shakes module will have to be enabled and have the specified shake already created.

Reaction Event

This is a general purpose Unity Event that can be invoked with the ImpactPacket class.

Remember Transform

This will remember any transform. This is useful for remembering killed enemies so that they remain dead on Scene start. To use this properly, the AI must be using the Reset node to read this value. If the Tracker reference is empty, the system will call TransformTracker through a static method (if one exists).

Slow Motion

Implement slow motion. The intensity is a value greater than zero, but smaller than one. The lower the value, the stronger the effect. If lerp is enabled, the intensity will gradually increment to 1. Otherwise, it retains its intensity for the specified duration.

World Effect Request

This calls the specified effect. Learn more about this class at World Effects.