
Allow the player to swim or float on any body of water. The body of water will determine if the player either floats or swims. If floating, the player will remain above the water line. If swimming, the player will swim inside the body of water.


The player must have the Swim ability enabled to interact with water.



If floating, when the player enters the water, it will oscillate on the water line before coming to a rest. This force dictates how quickly the oscillations occur.


How quickly the spring force dissipates.


How quickly the player sinks while swimming.

Switch Button

If water Switch Type is set to Yes, holding this button will transition the player from a floating state to a swimming state. To return to a floating state, the player must reach the top of the water.

Jump Out

The force used to jump out of the water.

Water Impact

The force exerted on the water upon entry. The force exerted while the player moves in the water will be proportional to this value and the player’s velocity.

Water Friction X

Water resistance applied to the player in the x direction.

Water Friction Y

Water resistance applied to the player in the y direction.

On Enter Water

The Unity Event invoked when the player enters the water. Call a World Effect with the dynamic Activate method.

On Exit Water

The Unity Event invoked when the player exits the water. Call a World Effect with the dynamic Activate method.


A prefab called Bubbles emits bubble particles as the player swims. Make it a child of the Player. Feel free to change the particle settings, too!

Signals: inWater, swimming, floating