
The player can interact with ropes. In recent updates, it is now possible to climb a rope. As a result, there are a few signals you should be aware of when interacting with ropes.

  • rope: true when the player is on the rope.

  • ropeSwinging: true when the player’s x input is not zero.

  • ropeHanging: true when the player is at the end of the rope.

  • ropeHolding: true when the player is not at the end of the rope.

  • ropeClimbing: true when the player is actively climbing the rope.


Swing Strength

The force added to the swing motion.


If latched, the force used to jump away from the rope.


On Enter

The Unity Event invoked when the player latches unto the rope.

On Exit

The Unity Event invoked when the player jumps off the rope.

Signals: rope, ropeClimbing, ropeHanging, ropeHolding, ropeSwinging