Save Menu

The Save Menu will save the entire progress of a single game session. Each save slot can be saved, copied, and deleted. This will not require any changes to other save systems, such as World Variables, Check-Points, or Inventory.

To start, go to the Save Options tab in the World Manager and enable Is Save Menu. This tells the system that the current scene is the Save Menu. Note that the World Manager turns purple to indicate this, and this option should be disabled in other scenes.

Next, create the desired number of save slots. Each save slot is automatically indexed starting from zero. The index is considered the save slot’s ID. Although you can choose the current save slot for convenience in the inspector, this will usually be chosen during runtime in the Save Menu.

This system offers two optional parameters that can be displayed: the total time played and the maximum level the player has reached. To specify which level you’re on, use the Level Number field. You’ll need to enter this number manually in each scene. The total time played is tracked automatically by the World Manager.

The Save Menu is constructed from UI elements that can be customized to your liking. There are two components to be aware of: the Save Menu and the SaveSlotUI. For an example, refer to the Save Menu tidbit scene.

Save Menu

This component is responsible for managing, copying, and deleting slots. Each save slot must be a child object of the Save Menu. This component has two UI elements it can set: the highlight image, which highlights the current slot the player has moved to in the menu, and the selected image, which always points to the officially selected save slot. Clicking a save slot twice will make it the official save slot.

To copy and delete slots, you will need to call the proper methods through other UI elements such as buttons.



The RectTransform reference for the highlight image.


The RectTransform reference for the selected image.



Call this method to copy the current slot. There must be an empty slot fo this work.


Call this method to delete the current slot.

Save Slot UI

This is a selectable UI element and sets the total play time and current game level information; these are optional and can be left unreferenced. This game object should be placed as a child of the Save Menu.


Play Time Text

The TextMeshPro reference for displaying the total time played.

Level Text

The TextMeshPro reference for displaying the current game level.