Push Back

If the player is damaged, apply a push back velocity in the relevant direction. This ability works in tandem with the Health component. When the Health value changes, use the OnValueChanged Unity Event and connect it to the ActivatePushBack method (found in the Push Back component). That’s it. This event will send two values, damage and direction. If damage is negative, Push Back will commence.


Typically, Push Back is set to the highest priority so it can override all other abilities. For example, if the player is climbing a wall, the player will fall down when Push Back is triggered.


It’s possible for the Crouch ability to override any ability if the player can’t fully stand up due to a low ceiling. If this is the case, Push Back will not be triggered, even if it has a higher priority. To prevent this, add Crouch as an exception to Push Back so that both abilities can execute at the same time.



The total displacement in the x direction.

Jump Force

The force applied in the y direction. This force is applied only once. If the force in this direction is zero, you can set a default value to ensure the player always jumps.

Push Time

The total duration of the push back. The x velocity will be overridden during this time period.

Sprite Renderer And Material

The player will be applied a damage flash during push back. Set the Sprite Renderer of the player. If the material is set, it will be applied to the Sprite Renderer; otherwise the color of the sprite will be tinted. You can use the Material Hurt that comes with the system.


The color of the damage flash.

Flash Time

The total duration of the damage flash.


The number of flashes in damage flash.


Use the signals to maintain the same direction of the Sprite during push back.


If the damage flash is applied, the inspector will create a lag spike when the material is being swapped. To prevent this, simply select another gameobject that is not the player.

Signals: pushBack, pushBackLeft, pushBackRight